
The E-Guro aims to strengthen the capacity of the K to 3 teachers in literacy and numeracy through a series of regular professional development activities.

The E-Guro Introductory Course in Teaching K to 3 Learners: A Journey to Early Childhood Education is a free learning course with four modules on literacy, numeracy, early childhood education, and special education. A CPD-accredited course for motivating and supporting our participating teachers from the DepEd District of Los Baños in igniting their passion for teaching. Teacher completers will receive a certification of completion for a 15 CPD-unit used in renewing teaching licenses and for the teaching portfolio of the DepEd application for promotion. Teacher completers will be formed as an E-Guro network for an online learning platform, creating a pool of teachers for the core team of trainers and course coordinators of the project.

Application of course coordinators (course monitors and evaluators) will start in July 2024. Interested volunteers can reach us via [email protected]