Episode 1: Doodling
Doodle Away
In these trying times, it is almost undeniable that we really need something to help ease and manage stress that if not attended to, can pile up and contribute to our worries. Every one of us copes in different ways, some through resting or taking a nap, and others through art expression.
One example of an art expression is doodling, also known idle scribbling. It can be described as a spontaneous form of art resulting from drawing or mark-making while the mind is occupied by other things. Doodling is usually subconsciously done during long hours of lectures and meetings. Studies show that this activity helps keep the mind grounded on the current happening instead of being distracted and eventually, sleeping.
Doodling is generally directionless and spontaneous drawing. Lines and patterns can be repeated. Or you can make an image that does not necessarily resemble anything. The nature of doodling comes from the expression of the thoughts occupying our minds. The directionless rhythm of the process of making doodles triggers relaxation and focus that counter the fight-flight instinct of the body, therefore giving it rest. Without minding where the lines would go, it gives freedom for the mind to explore the free spaces in the paper and lets the mind rest and find freedom as well.
The beautiful thing about doodling is that there is no pressure to come up with a certain style, image or medium. It’s basically a “you do you’ kind of artwork. Different colors and inks can be used to make an art piece and it is not necessarily required to bring an output that would wow others but it simply needs to exist for the sake of being expressed.
Once in a while, when all that we have in our minds just seems to be pure chaos, try to take out your pen and doodle your stressful thoughts away.